Want to make money selling the stuff you aren’t using? Looking for something you need but don’t want to pay full price? Then bub it! Bub is the marketplace for connecting people who have stuff, to those who need stuff. Bub provides a safe and easy place to connect you with the people - and the stuff - close to you.
Bub has trust built in from the beginning with secure transactions, in-app chat, bub hub meetup locations, and reviews and ratings.
You can also rent items on bub if you’re not ready to part with it or don’t want to buy something you might only use once.
How bub works:
Buying or renting - Finding items is as easy as opening the app. Browse or search – it’s up to you. Once you find that perfect item, purchasing or renting it is just a click away.
Selling - Listing an item for sale is as easy taking a picture using your phone. With In-App chat, you can track requests and choose who you want to sell to, as well as make arrangements to hand off the item.
Placing Requests – Don’t see what you need? No worries, post a request and have people the community respond to you!
Getting Paid - Easiest of all is collecting your money; bub handles it all for you.
Safe and Easy - Every user has a review score, so you can easily see who you are dealing with. We also have bub approved public meetup locations you can choose from for exchanging your item. All transactions are handled in the app so you don’t have to worry about stopping at the ATM.
Although bub is currently focused on Chicago market, check back soon for details on when we are coming to your city!